Aktualności :: Largo :: podróżująca filharmonia

10th anniversary of cooperation

2019-12-16 We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of cooperation with many schools all over Poland. Many schools have been called a FRIEND OF THE TRAVELING PHILHARMONIC On this occasion, I am honored and pleased to present a commemorative statuette.


In order to be awarded the title of A FRIEND OF THE TRAVELING PHILHARMONIC, over the years, many programs had to be carried out together: MUSIC OF POLES (at the beginning we praise ours so that no one accuses us of praising others and not knowing our own) WORLD MUSIC (after our praise, we can go out into the world without complexity and praise others). Four meetings within the series. The first is MUSIC OF THE NEIGHBORS FROM THE NORTH. The second is the MUSIC OF THE NEIGHBORS FROM THE WEST. The third is THE MUSIC OF THE SOUTHERN NEIGHBORS.  THE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN CHOPIN program (on the occasion of the year of Fryderyk Chopin) program JANKO MUZYKANT (on the occasion of the Henryk Sienkiewicz year), the MUSICAL RUNNING OF THE Vistula program (on the occasion of the year of the Vistula River), the program STANISŁAW MONIUSZKO AND THE BIRTH OF THE POLISH OPERA (on the occasion of the year of Stanisław Moniuszko) KRZYSZTOF KOMEDA & JAZZ program
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